Role Too Low in Hierarchy
MEE6 cannot give/remove roles or kick and ban bad people when his role is too low in the hierarchy. There's a simple solution to that, here's the recipe. Check that MEE6 role is high enough in the hierarchy Go to your Discord server settings then click on Roles. Then, click on MEE6's role and move MEE6's role above the other roles. (https://storage.crisp.chatPopularMEE6 isn't showing my personal rank card
Enable your personal rank card To enable your personal rank card, select your profile in the top right of the MEE6 dashboard and choose "Edit rank card". Once you open your rank card customization page, select the visibility tab next to customize and you will be presented with a list of your servers along with a switch for each of them on the right side. (https://storage.Few readersMissing Manage Roles Permission
It can get frustrating when MEE6 is missing some permissions. Especially when it comes to giving/removing roles. Here's a solution that should help you out! Check that MEE6 actually has the manage roles permission Go to your Discord server settings then click on Roles. Then, click on MEE6's role and ensure that it has the Manage Roles permission. (https://stFew readersPremium Coupons
You might have received a coupon for premium. These coupons allow you to get a discount for MEE6 premium and are usually handed out on special occasions, or sometimes as a gesture from the MEE6 team. Here is how to apply them to your account Premium plan options How to apply a premium coupon To add a coupon, simply click the Apply coupon button after selecting which subscription plan you'd lFew readersMEE6 is Offline
MEE6 is not responding? First make sure the bot is offline! Green dot means he is online If he is indeed offline, you can join our support server and check the last messages in announcements and support channels. If we already know that MEE6 is down, you shouldn't be able to send messages anywhere and there should be a message similar to this: (https://cdn.discordaFew readersMEE6 isn't giving role rewards
MEE6 isn't giving role rewards as he should? Here are some potential problems you could be having. MEE6 doesn't have the right permissions MEE6 might not have the "Manage Roles" permission, you can fix this by going into the "Roles" setting in your Discord server and giving the "MEE6" role the "Manage Roles" permission. Giving MEE6 manage roles permission Make sure MEE6 is above the othFew readersMissing Kick/Ban Permissions
Without Kick and Bans permissions MEE6's Moderator plugin cannot function well. Let's solve this issue! Check that MEE6 actually has the kick/ban permissions Go to your Discord server settings then click on Roles. Then, click on MEE6's role and ensure that it has the Kick and Ban permissions. ( readersMEE6 isn't showing servers I have
You are getting this message even if you actually have a server? We're here to help you out! You're probably logged in to a different Discord account. To check if you are, please look at the right top on our dashboard and see if the picture and name match to the ones of your profile. ( readersDashboard logout
Standard logout Logging out of MEE6's dashboard is simple, but sometimes you can be signed into an incorrect account either because of Discord, or you forgot to log out of that testing account in your browser. (We've all been there). When logging out, first log out from the MEE6 dashboard by clicking on your profile in the top right, then select "Logout". Logging out from the MEE6 dashboard ( readersI have a suggestion
So you got something awesome you think should be in the bot? Excellent, we love to hear all the ideas people come up with and want to see added to the bot! So now that you have your idea, you want to suggest it somewhere right? Well, our support server has 2 channels dedicated just to that. You'll find them below the support channels and above the bug reports channel. Once there you want to spend a minuteFew readersCOUPONS!!
So you got a coupon and want to use it? Great! I'm going to explain how you can use it. First go to this page and select your server. Next, select the plan you want (and optionally disable custom bot) and click on the "Continue to Payment" button. select premium plan Now in the pop-up, click the "Apply coupon" text. a field will appear where you can enter yourFew readers